As every year during LUFF, you can host an artist or join the volunteers. You can also be part of LAFF and become LUFF's friend. Or you can meet us on facebook, twitter, youtube and instagram. You can also ask for accreditation.

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Title TK

United States

  • 19.10, 02:00Salle des fêtes

A climactic finale. Deification of the ultimate non-concert. Imagine Alan Licht, sound artist, writer and genious guitar player (Text of Lights). Imagine him now in trio with Cory Arcangel, a video games modification artist and Howie Chen, an injector of sociological and economic approaches in artistic criticism. Imagine such a trio, all with guitars in hands, speaking about music, music industry, instead of playing it. Formed in 2010, the guitar trio, inspired by talk poems by David Antin, is situated at the intersection of performance, improvisation and stand-up comedy.

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