As every year during LUFF, you can host an artist or join the volunteers. You can also be part of LAFF and become LUFF's friend. Or you can meet us on facebook, twitter, youtube and instagram. You can also ask for accreditation.

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United States

  • 18.10, 23:15Salle des fêtes

evicshen, or Victoria Shen is a musician, visual artist, and instrument-maker native of San Francisco. Shen's sound practice is concerned with the spatiality/physicality of sound and its relationship to the human body. Shen’s music fills the place, acting as a form of sculpture. Her music features analog synthesizers, contact microphones, and other self-built electronics. These instruments are designed to reproduce chaotic systems, which are highly sensitive to small changes. The resulting music eschews conventions in harmony and rhythm in favor of extreme textures and gestural tones.

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